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ANNOUNCEMENT | In Loving Memory of Kathi Mavrothalassitis – Globe Williams CEO – Asia/Pacific

It is with heavy heart and profound sadness that we share the sad news of the passing of our Globe Williams International CEO Asia/Pacific, Kathi Mavrothalassitis.

She passed shortly after 1:00pm, Saturday 20th April, 2024, in the Epworth Hospital, Richmond, VIC 3121 surrounded by her most nearest and dearest.

Kathi’s unsurpassable dedication, kindness, generosity, positive spirit, contribution, and passion with everything she applied herself to and everyone’s life she touched, remains undeniably unmatched.

The legacy she leaves behind will be forever intertwined within our organisation and our hearts.

All Board of Directors, Management, Employees and countless suppliers and clients from around the world continue to express their deepest condolences to Kathi’s husband George, family and close friends.

In honour of Kathi’s legacy, let us collectively continue to uphold the highest values and camaraderie that she embodied.

Funeral Livestream

11:00am AEST Friday 26th April, 2024


“In the face of adversity, there is always hope…”

In lieu of purchasing flowers, please donate to the Pancreatic Foundation